Meïwakan Aïkido

12 rue de la perruche

17000 La Rochelle 

Site officiel de Mickaël Martin 6° dan

Uchi Deshi de Tamura Nobuyoshi Shihan
Fondateur de Meïwakan Aïkido

  • Online Aïkido Classes

During the covid lockdown, Meïwakan Aïkido organises zoom classes taught by Mickaël Martin.

To follow the classes, please contact us to subscribe to the association.

Next class the 08/05 6pm30


  • Summer seminars 2021

We are waiting for the confirmation with regards to the evolution of the covid situation.

Please contact us for any information about Bras (July) and Chatelaillon (August).


  • Japan Tour 2021

We hope to be able to travel in November.

For any information, write to Mickaël Martin directly.