Meïwakan Aïkido

12 rue de la perruche

17000 La Rochelle 

Site officiel de Mickaël Martin 6° dan

Uchi Deshi de Tamura Nobuyoshi Shihan
Fondateur de Meïwakan Aïkido


Come and take part in a truly unique trip across Japan!


Discover a country with multiple faces, ranging from the most contemporary urban landscapes of the capital city Tokyo to the natural and magnificent beauties of the Japanese Alps and the very rich history of the old imperial city Kyoto. Come and admire the temples, castles, gardens of Japan, and enjoy the multiple faces of the Japanese culture.


Take also the opportunity to practice with the greatest masters of today Budo!


Please note that booking is mandatory (booking price does cover fly tickets from France, hostels, martial arts classes and visits).


> Further info and booking (attention, group limited to 12 people)